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And Never Let Her Down: A Town of Destiny Novel Page 6
And Never Let Her Down: A Town of Destiny Novel Read online
Page 6
She stopped, breathing hard, the snow so white in contrast to her dark hair. Her face pink and pretty. Her green eyes sparkling with a happiness he hoped he put there. “Help me up, please.” She held her hand out.
He stood and pulled her up, their faces inches away before she laughed and thudded her way back through the snow and to the porch.
“How’s your foot?” He smiled at the heart-shaped snow on her rear end.
Looking behind, she said, “Seems fine now.”
“Good. Dinner will be ready soon. Go get back in your cozy jammies.”
She peeked over her shoulder. “Making fun of my pajamas, Cowboy?”
The way she looked doing that made his heart flip. “Uh…not at all. They’re cute.”
Nodding, she smiled and continued to trudge up the stairs and open the door. She glanced back once more to give him a heart-stopping smile before disappearing inside.
This duty of his was getting harder and harder. As he opened his coat to let the snow fall out that she placed in there, he stared at the angels side-by-side, a perfect shape of their bodies.
The hands permanently touching.
Chapter Six
The smell of grilled onions wafted up to her room as she finished a chapter. She started to realize her story was becoming their story—Hayden and hers, except there’d be a happy ending for that couple.
She needed to click the lamp on to give the room light as the sun disappeared, but kept typing to the glow of the laptop. She laughed at a part when she heard a knock at the door.
“Hey, snowbird. Dinner’s ready.”
“You can come in.”
He stuck his head in the crack and chuckled. “Need light much?”
She smiled. “Nah. I can see just fine.”
He walked over and sat on the edge. “How’s your foot?”
“A little sore but not too bad.” It wasn’t her foot that was sore but her chest where he hit it with a hard snowball, right in the scar.
He nodded. “What’s your book about?”
“Just this couple who never had a chance but will somehow make it work.”
“Sounds optimistic. I like happy endings.”
“Most people do, but sometimes in real life it doesn’t happen. It’s why we turn to fiction.”
His smile faded as he gazed at her. “Right. Maybe in real life that couple didn’t try hard enough, gave up too easily.”
Nodding, she added, “Or maybe even with emerging feelings life had other plans, another destiny in mind. Maybe a promise comes between them or health issues or whatever.”
“Health issues?”
She cleared her throat. “Or self-esteem issues.”
“Why would that be? If feelings grew, then self-esteem issues should have no place with love. Maybe he doesn’t care about whatever she’s having low self-esteem issues with. Maybe he’s not shallow like that.”
She gave a small smile. “Maybe…and maybe not.”
He rubbed her leg. “Come down when you’re ready.” He leaned over and turned the lamp on. “I don’t want you to have any health issues with your eyes.”
She laughed. “Thanks. That takes care of that at least.”
“One of these days you’re gonna tell me why you always have a somber look in your eyes.”
She shrugged and sucked her lips in.
“See you soon?”
“Yep. Just finishing this last scene.”
“And then come down so we can have a dinner scene.”
She snorted. “My life is definitely not a romance novel.”
“No? Want it to be?” He raised his brows up and down.
She snickered and slapped at his arm. “Go.”
He began to get up but then sat back down. “Aubrey, I just wanted you to know that if it weren’t for this…deal I made with your brother, I’d want you for my girl. I think you’re the prettiest thing I’ve laid eyes on in a long time, maybe ever. I don’t want you to think I’m not hitting on you because I’m not attracted to you, okay? Because I am.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “No, I understand. And thank you for that. I haven’t been told that in quite a while. I know how my brother can be, so I get it. You don’t have to worry about me throwing myself at you or anything.” She smiled, rubbing his arm.
“Believe me, I’d love nothing more. I struggle with this every moment I grow closer to you. Would you ever be interested in a guy like me if there were a chance?”
She waited before answering, knowing full well how she felt. “Yes. If things were different, and not just for your promise, but for something I’m not ready to share with you or any man. But I think you’re very handsome…and sweet.” She grinned at his widening smile.
He took her hand. “When you’re ready to share this horrific secret with me, I’ll be waiting. It won’t scare me off.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Okay then.” He stood and winked before striding to the door. “Not too long.”
He nodded and closed the door.
Sitting up, a lopsided grin tore her cheeks open. He thought she was pretty. No, make that the prettiest. She saved her document and pushed the laptop to the side before throwing her legs over and grabbing her boot.
It was time for the dinner scene.
At the bottom of the stairs, she could hear music…her music playing You Really Got a Hold of Me by the Miracles. Candles glowed from the unused dining room that usually collected dust. She laughed and limped her way toward it.
As she walked in, she nearly lost her balance. Red roses adorned the table covered in a lace tablecloth…her mother’s Irish lace she had put away in the China cabinet drawer. Long white candles stood on each side of the glass vase.
“Welcome, madam. Please sit.” He pulled out a chair and helped her to it.
“Hayden, what’s all this?” She let him push her into the table.
“Just thought you deserved a little romance in your life.”
“Thank you, but I get enough in my books.”
“So, you want me to take it all back.” He grinned, holding a dishtowel over his shoulder.
Her eyes swept down his lean body and back up, feeling the heat rise in her face. She shook her head. “No.”
Nodding, he disappeared into the kitchen and brought back two plates filled with thick steaks smothered in caramel grilled onions and mushrooms and mashed potatoes.
Her mouth watered at the sight. “Are these twice-baked?”
“Yep. My mom had to remind me of the directions since she makes the best. I think you’ll like them.”
She looked up and smiled. “That’s so sweet of you.”
He poured red wine into a wineglass for her and then him before sitting down and holding his glass up. “I want to thank you for allowing me to be here. You’ve been gracious letting a stranger into your home.”
She held hers up and clinked his before taking a sip. “Any friend of my brother’s is a friend of me. Never a stranger in the first place. And now I consider you a best friend.”
He held his fork in midair and gazed at her. “You’ve become mine, too. I feel close to you. Thank you.”
Laughing, she said, “My oldies growing on you?”
“I like this song. They don’t make music like this anymore. True love written in those lines.” He took a bite of his steak.
“I think it’s stuck on repeat, but I do love this song.”
“Want me to change it?”
“No.” She drank more wine, feeling numb in her face. Never could handle alcohol well. “This is delicious, Hayden. Tell your mom I love it.”
“Oh, believe me. She’s waiting to hear what you think.”
“You’re close with her.”
“I am with my whole family.”
“I bet you miss them. I feel guilty from keeping you from them…from your home. I’ll try to heal faster and not be on my foot.” The thought kill
ed her to think of him not there anymore. An ache filled her chest as she slugged the food down. And not an ache from her mastectomy.
“Stop. You take all the time you need. Yes, I miss them, but I also like being here with you. No feeling guilty anymore, okay?”
She gave a small one-sided grin. “Sure.”
He dropped his fork and stood, walking over to her and holding his hand out. “Come on. Stand.”
She laughed. “Why? I’m not finished.”
Dropping her fork, she pushed her chair out and took his hand.
As he grabbed her hands, he wrapped them around his neck and circled her waist with his, pulling her in close. He started moving to the music while staring down into her eyes.
A shy smile split her face as she danced with him. Her eyes shifted to his chest before he clipped her chin to make eye contact. She slowly shook her head. “Hayden…”
His lips touched her forehead as his arms drew her in closer, running up her back, sending shivers down her spine. He dragged them down her hairline, little kisses that set her on fire.
Her fingers curled around his shaved neck and ran up into his short hair already growing out, bringing a low groan from his throat. His lips traced down to her ear, sucking on her earlobe. Heat bubbled in her lower belly and a strange thing happened. She could feel her nipples erect as his lips sliced down her throat, his tongue trailing, their bodies moving in slow motion back and forth to the music.
“Aubrey…” he whispered. He pulled away and searched her eyes before leaning down and brushing her lips with his before swiping his tongue across them and then sliding it in to touch hers. His breath heavy as he pulled her tighter against him, his tongue deep and needing.
A volcano erupted inside her as her body trembled in his arms, crushing her mouth against his, digging her nails into his neck as she pulled him down to taste as much as she could.
“Let’s go upstairs.” His hand moved down her shirt.
Her eyes popped open before she pushed his hand away. “No.”
“What’s wrong? You know I care for you, Aubrey.”
She placed her hands on his chest and briefly closed her eyes. “I just can’t. Not ready.”
He cupped her face and rubbed her cheeks. “Did Joel really do that much of a number on you? Did he really ruin it for all men?”
As her body tried to calm down, her legs still shaking, she shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I’m not the woman you think I am.”
“And what woman do you think I see? An alien? I see you, Aubrey O’Dell. Sweet, beautiful, smart, funny Aubrey. No one else. Have you murdered someone?”
“In a way…yes.”
“Have you taken another man’s life? Because I have. Does that repulse you?”
“Of course not. You had no choice.”
“So, when you say yes, what does that mean?” He sat down and pulled her onto his lap.
“I’m scared to tell you. I don’t want to lose…your friendship.”
“You won’t. But how will we ever know if you don’t tell me?” He kissed her cheek and then her hands.
“Let’s just say I’m not ready to undress in front of you.” Her heart pounded at revealing some of her truth.
He stared into her eyes before nodding. “Fine, then you don’t have to…yet. Is this a self-esteem issue?”
“Sort of. I didn’t always have this problem.”
He sighed. “I see. I guess we’ll have to just make out with our clothes on.” He nuzzled her neck, making her laugh.
“What about my brother?”
“I don’t want to make out with him. Too hairy.”
She slapped at his chest. “Stop. I’m serious.”
“Let me worry about him. When he comes for leave, I’ll explain things.”
“You can’t stay away from home. I already told you.”
“Are you the boss of me? No. I’m staying until you get better or for as long as you need me,” he added, whispering in her ear.
She laid her head on his shoulder.
“It’ll be our little secret. Now let’s finish our meal, get drunk, and enjoy that fireplace of yours.”
She giggled and let him draw her mouth to his for a quick but sensual kiss.
In the family room, they stretched out on the fluffy white rug, drinking their wine and laughing. After three glasses, she was officially buzzed. She leaned on her elbow and looked down at him, listening to him tell stories of growing up and getting into the Marines.
He laughed.
“You’re drunk.”
Her words slurred. “I don’t get drunk. I get a little tipsy, but not drunk.”
“You’re drunk.”
She scoffed, shaking her head.
“But still very sexy.” He brought her face down and kissed her.
“You taste yummy,” she whispered. “I want to eat you.”
Laughing, he cocked his brow. “Oh, yeah?”
She nodded. “When I first saw you, I was like…wow, who’s that guy?” Her words continued to slur, making him laugh. “How could I be mad at my brother for sending you…my angel? Nope, just couldn’t.”
His voice grew husky. “Is that what I am to you…your angel?”
“Sure are. My Texas angel with the prettiest blue eyes and muscles to make a mule drool.”
He roared with laughter. “Never heard of a mule drooling, but I’ll take it. Please, continue stroking my ego.”
“Oh, I’d like to stroke more than that, blue eyes. But I’ll continue.”
His eyes widened, and he pushed her against the floor, smashing his mouth to hers. His tongue delved in, devouring her, his hand running down her side, down her hip, and back up where she stopped it. “Sorry,” he murmured. “I want to touch you.”
She pushed him off and sat up, leaning on her elbows, sobering at his words. “I had a double mastectomy, Hayden. How’s that for sexy?”
His brows drew together in confusion. “What?”
“Yeah. Wanna touch them now? Only, there’s nothing to touch. Only ugly scars…oh, and my nipples. I got to keep those.” The wine gave her courage to confess, but she knew she’d regret it later.
His voice cracked. “Aubrey, I’m so sorry. I…”
“Sorry? For what? That now you know you’re repulsed and can’t imagine what they look and feel like? It’s not pretty.”
He took her hands. “I didn’t know you had cancer.”
She scoffed. “That’s the thing. I didn’t. I was positive for the BRCA1 gene, which is basically saying I could get cancer, so I prevented it.”
“I never knew about this gene. Is it in your family?”
“My grandmother died from breast cancer and her mother had ovarian cancer. It’s the reason I took the test. It skipped my mom, thank God, but I didn’t want to be next.”
“Does Danny know?”
“Yes. That’s why he’s so protective of me.” Her heart sank at the look on his face. “I’m going to bed. The wine’s making me sleepy. Always did that.”
“Wait, Aubrey…”
“Goodnight, Hayden. Thank you for a lovely evening. I’m sure this makes your going back home much easier.” She stood and ran as fast as her boot would let her.
Moving faster, she didn’t want him to see the tears unleash from her broken heart.
Chapter Seven
Aubrey tore off her top and prosthetic bra, staring into the mirror. She wiped her face and changed into a night shirt before climbing into bed. She knew the day would come that she’d have to share this with a man, but why’d it have to be him? Why not some guy she really didn’t care about? It would have been easier.
She pulled her laptop over and opened her document when she heard him knock. “I’m working, Hayden. I’ll see you in the morning.”
She started typing, figuring he left.
brey, may I come in? Please…”
She continued to write. Of course, this was a scene full of romance and happiness, not what was happening in her real life. Her female lead was perfect on the outside, perfect to her guy…how she wanted to be. Might as well write about it.
She huffed before relenting. “It’s open.”
He pushed the door and walked to her, sitting down next to her. “I don’t care about any scars or breasts or whatever it is that you don’t want me to see. All I see is you…beautiful Aubrey. That’ll never change.”
Why did he have to have such a sexy southern accent? She chewed on her cheek and locked eyes with him. “I don’t know if I’m ready to show you that. I can hardly look at it myself much less ask you.”
“Then leave your shirt on. I want to hold you. I want to make love to you.” He pushed her laptop to the other side of the bed and peeled down the blankets. “And I know you feel the same.”
Her heart pounded as she felt her body respond, a shiver running down her spine.
He clicked the lamp off and turned to her, his hand resting on her hip, tugging her closer. “You’re the sexiest woman I know.” He leaned down and pressed his body against hers, his knee igniting a fire between her legs.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and met his tongue softly at first before turning insistent and full of need. “Hayden…”
He positioned himself completely on top as he tasted her mouth, sucking on her tongue, trailing his mouth to her neck. “I want you so bad. You’re all I think about.” His hand slid down over her stomach and under her panties, his fingers finding what they wanted.
Her head shot up in agony as she parted her legs to give him better access. She moved against his hand, pushing it deeper with her other hand, bucking her hips with every thrust.
He jumped up and took his shirt off, the moonlight bathing him through the curtains, before he grabbed the sides of her underwear and dragged them down, tossing them over his shoulder.
She could handle this. Her shirt covered her scars, yet she got to enjoy this moment with Hayden. He was giving her time, loving her until she was ready to share. As he kneeled before her, ready to devour her, she smiled and slid her hand to her bare mound, watching his breathing grow ragged, his chest heave as he licked his lips, glancing at her face before unzipping his jeans.